Destiny 2 Zero Hour floor puzzle - Guardians fighting

Destiny 2 Zero Hour floor puzzle solutions

If you’re trying to solve the Zero Hour floor puzzle in Destiny 2, chances are you’re trying a legend run, but didn’t realise that the combination changes depending on the difficulty and the elemental threat. For those that don’t know, the new, or technically old, Zero Hour exotic mission has a section where you have to walk through a room full of tiles in a certain order—pick the wrong one and you’re cooked, literally.

Usually, there’s a diagram showing the route on a wall in the vault itself, but the lovely encounter designers over at Bungie decided to remove that for legend difficulty, meaning you have to use trial-and-error, or look at our cheeky solutions down below. Since you only have 20 minutes to complete legend Zero Hour, there’s no time to waste figuring out floor patterns. This is especially true if you’re trying to find the switches in the Outbreak Refined quest.