Destiny 2 players are ruining the final mission of the season for each other by skipping the big cut scene

Destiny 2 players are ruining the final mission of the season for each other by skipping the big cut scene


Destiny 2’s next big expansion The Witch Queen is now just one week away—here’s the launch trailer, in case you haven’t seen it. But, and I’m sure this will come as a big surprise, the leadup to launch isn’t going perfectly smoothly. There are bugs in the new Exorcism mission that dropped today that are keeping some unlucky players from seeing the post-mission cutscene that’s meant to wrap up this season’s narrative and cue up the next one. In some cases, the issues are actually preventing the mission from being completed.

Numerous complaints about both an inability to progress through the quest, and the cutscene being skipped at the end, have appeared over the past few hours on Bungie’s help forum. Bungie said on Twitter that it is investigating the problem, and in the meantime has a workaround for one problem: Your progression can be blocked if you’re moving too quickly on the Bridge encounter, so if that happens, double back—and, I guess, do it slower. 
