Destiny 2 just dropped its biggest twist since Cayde-6 got killed off and I'm a mess

Destiny 2 just dropped its biggest twist since Cayde-6 got killed off and I’m a mess


“Don’t worry, you guys got this!” The Traveller was fixing to give Earth the ol’ Irish Goodbye. (Image credit: Bungie)

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When you are many thousands of hours deep into a six-year-old videogame, it takes a lot to surprise you. But today’s Destiny 2 season finale did just that. I’ll explain why in a second, but first here’s the obligatory SPOILER WARNING for details and discussion of the final Season of the Seraph mission and accompanying cut-scene which is embedded further down the page.   

To play the content you need to visit the H.E.L.M. and pick up a quest called Final Dawn. Here the Warmind Rasputin explains that Eramis, the Fallen antagonist from Beyond Light, has accessed Rasputin’s ABHORRENT IMPERATIVE protocol, which involves shooting The Traveller down—that’s the enormous orbital golfball which gives the guardians their powers— using a network of weaponised satellites. 
