Dead Cells' next DLC adds a Metroid Dread-style biome and throwable shark

Dead Cells’ next DLC adds a Metroid Dread-style biome and throwable shark


Developers Motion Twin and Evil Empire has announced a substantial new expansion for Dead Cells, The Queen and the Sea, which will be arriving on January 6. The DLC is apparently “finishing off the path that we started years ago with The Bad Seed and Fatal Falls [the previous major DLC offerings]. Ending a trilogy needs some special touches and we believe we’ve put quite a few in this DLC.”

This is late-game content that offers an alternative to the ‘normal’ ending path, and features a rotting shipwreck and a lighthouse biome, the latter looking particularly interesting. One of Dead Cells’ big inspirations is the Metroid series, which recently saw the release of Metroid Dread on Switch: In this entry, Samus spends the game being pursued by a seemingly unstoppable foe and having to escape it.
