Two adventurers pore over a tome

D&D’s new rules will be available under a Creative Commons licence

Last year the Dungeons & Dragons community imploded over a leaked draft of a licence change that suggested Wizards of the Coast was planning to restrict how the D&D rules could be used by anyone publishing third-party supplements, or separate games derived from D&D’s 5th edition ruleset. At the peak of the outrage, Wizards of the Coast fully retreated from the proposed changes, and promised to make the base rules available under a Creative Commons licence.

In January, Wizards lived up to that by putting version 5.1 of the Systems Reference Document into the Creative Commons. However, since revised versions of all three core rulebooks are on their way, with the Player’s Handbook due in September, the Dungeon Master’s Guide in November, and the Monster Manual in February of next year, the question remained: what would happen with future updates to the rules?