Headshots of the stars of Critical Role, accompanied by Sam Richardson and Tony Hale.

D&D livestream Critical Role announces its next charity one-shot, where donors vote on its classes and story to mess with celebrity guests

Critical Role—a mega-popular Dungeons & Dragons game that’s spawned its own official campaign settings and animated series—is doing another run of its “choose their adventure” charity one-shots. The Critical Role Foundation has partnered with Red Nose Day and Comic Relief US to run a one-shot with a twist: donate, and you’ll be able to vote on how the adventure’ll go. 

Last year comedian, television host, and self-confessed nerd Stephen Colbert’s character was saddled with a bee companion, a pacifistic living weapon, and the burning need to recover his dignity—all at the whims of the public. This year, voters will also be able to choose the gang’s classes.
