Dark Forces in VR thanks to this stellar new fan remake • Eurogamer.net

Dark Forces in VR thanks to this stellar new fan remake • Eurogamer.net


The demo is a real Katarn-up for the books.

The Star Wars universe has never been a galaxy far, far away from virtual reality and I should know because I’ve covered plenty of official Star Wars VR games in my time.

A couple of years ago, I even showcased an incredible fan-made reimagining of the old Atari Star Wars arcade game and on this week’s VR Corner, I’m back checking out another VR fan remake, this time of Star Wars: Dark Forces.

Developed by Shadow Art Games, a small studio located in the UK, Dark Forces VR is based on the 1995 LucasArts original. Instead of going the flatscreen-to-vr route of just converting the original game into VR though, everything in Dark Forces VR has been made from scratch in Unreal Engine 4.

As you’ll be able to see in the video above it’s still very early days for the VR version of Shadow Art’s remake as the playable demo released on Patreon only contains a small (but nevertheless very impressive) section of the game’s first level.

That doesn’t stop me from getting up to my usual antics though, and Kyle guarantee that once you see it in action, you’ll want to try it out for yourself.

