Dark and Darker - A player swings a sowrd at a mummy in a torchlit dungeon hall

Dark and Darker proves extraction shooters don’t have to be shooters at all


I’ve never much liked FPSes, but I’ve put up with them for years because what I do like are team deathmatches and battle royales and PvPvE extraction. These formats are almost exclusively found in shooters, so I’ve resigned myself to Warzone 2 with my crew even if gunplay will never be my forte. Dark and Darker—an old school style RPG dungeon crawler with sword and board combat, magic, class levelling, looting, and is also a co-op extraction game—was made specifically for me. And not just me, evidently, as its open alpha is currently one of the most-played games on Steam.

Dark and Darker calls itself “unforgiving” and “hardcore” first and foremost and after I immediately died to sword-wielding skeletons in my first few runs before ever having the privilege of being killed by a player, I’m inclined to agree. (The tutorial does note that a lower, “normal” difficulty is not yet in the alpha.) 

