Johnny Silverhand and Solomon Reed side by side

Cyberpunk 2077 celebrity showdown: who’s got the cooler character, Idris Elba or Keanu Reeves?


The celebrity voiceover in a bigass RPG is no longer the quaint novelty of The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion’s sleepy Patrick Stewart performance or Liam Neeson showing up for a cheeky ten minutes in Fallout 3. Cyberpunk 2077 broke new ground by having Keanu Reeves’ Johnny Silverhand be your constant companion throughout the game, and expansion pack Phantom Liberty gets similar mileage out of beloved actor Idris Elba as secret agent Solomon Reed.

So, as enlightened critics and videogame tastemakers, we asked ourselves: which one is like, cooler though? In the rigorous and exacting process of talking to each other for 45 minutes and coming up with a couple funny categories, PCG online editor Fraser Brown and I, PCG associate editor Ted Litchfield have rated these two titans of the Cyber realm on seven crucial categories to determine an overall winner.
