Cuphead Divine Relic: How to get the charm

Cuphead Divine Relic: How to get the charm


The Cuphead Divine Relic is the strongest charm in the game, letting you switch weapons by dashing, and granting you the benefits of multiple charms at once. However, it comes with a high price. First, you’ll have to solve a puzzle, and then defeat a number of tough bosses with a pretty significant debuff. 

But if you’re up for the challenge, this charm can completely transform the game, and it even plays some nice music when you equip it. In this guide, I’ll explain what you need to do to get your hands on the Divine Relic. 

Cuphead Divine Relic: How to get it 

(Image credit: Studio MDHR)

The first step in getting the Divine Relic is unlocking the Cursed Relic. I explain how to do this in our Broken Relic guide (if you haven’t picked up on it yet: there are several relics to keep track of here). Here’s the short version of what you have to do:

  • Buy the Broken Relic
  • Solve the puzzle at the graveyard
  • Defeat the secret Angel and Demon boss with the Broken Relic equipped
