CSGO case keys have undergone a massive hike in price on the Steam Market. This is a result of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Many European countries, game developers, tournament organizers, and even sports authorities have imposed sanctions on Russia, limiting their access to a lot of things. Even the Russian ruble has taken a hit, currently, 1 Ruble is worth 0.0094 USD.
CSGO case keys, which are worth $2.25 or INR 185 in normal circumstances, cost ₽180 (Russian Ruble) before the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. After the invasion, the economy of Russia has been tanking, as visible by the Ruble’s worth against USD. To keep up with this massive drop, the price of CSGO Case keys has gone up from ₽180 to ₽272.
According to reports by Talkesport, a series of transactions failures have been reported by the Steam Status on their Twitter handle as credit cards all the Russian territory seem to have been either decommissioned by their parent companies or just another service outage against Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine.
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The only working methods of payment on the Steam market currently are Steam Wallet and PayPal. No word from Valve has surfaced on this issue although users are waiting for a response, especially ones who have their payments stuck.
Digital Storefront, GOG.com has also restricted payments in Russian Ruble amid the ongoing conflict and Valve has apparently followed suit, but with no official word just yet, we can only theorize what is going on.
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