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Counter-Strike gives the people what they want: ‘Fine’

Counter-Strike 2’s latest patch makes a bunch of changes to the competitive shooter, and one in particular has been on player wishlists for a long time. As Valve puts it: “Lefties rejoice!” Players can now set a default preference for which side their character holds their weapon, and switch between sides on-the-fly during rounds (by pressing H), all the better to peep corners with.

The buy menu’s also got a few new tricks. The top right of the menu now displays the minimum amount of money you’ll have in the next round, and at the bottom features a new “dropped weapons” panel. This is a brilliant addition, because part of the economy game in Counter-Strike is passing weapons around the team and sometimes buying for your teammates: this panel doesn’t just show weapons that’ve been dropped in the buy area, but allows you to pick them up directly.