Company behind gamer bed releases desktop hand massager

Company behind gamer bed releases desktop hand massager


Several millennia ago, back in March 2020 the gaming world was abuzz with wonder over a product that rides the hard line between genius and, well something else. Japanese company Bauhutte released a gaming bed which allowed users to seamlessly transition from sleep to game without ever needing to get up. It’s one of those items I absolutely want but also don’t think I should ever allow myself to have.

Bauhutte hand massager inside and outside

(Image credit: Bauhutte)

Bauhutte’s next innovation that gamers were too scared to ever ask for is a little bit different. Spotted by Gizmodo, Bauhutte’s Hand Massager is designed to sit on a gamers desk ready to do as its name suggests. The unit looks a lot like a UV light machine for setting certain nail polishes, but with a black gamer flair.
