Civilization 6 Leader Pass' new pack, Great Commanders, is here

Civilization 6 Leader Pass’ new pack, Great Commanders, is here


The next DLC pack for Civilization 6’s Leader Pass, Great Commanders, is now available and includes Tokugawa (Japan), Nader Shah (Persia), and Suleiman the Magnificent (Ottoman Empire).

Tokugawa introduces new ability Bakuhan, whilst Nader Shah has Sword of Persia and Suleiman the Magnificent has a new ability called… well, The Magnificent.

First Look: Great Commanders | Civilization VI: Leader Pass.

Sword of Persia buffs +5 Combat Strength attacking full Health Units, whilst cities not founded by Nader Shah receive +2 Faith and +3 Gold on Domestic Trade Routes. The Magnificent, on the other hand, gives +15% Science and Culture when in a Golden Age and +4 Combat Strength when not in a Golden Age against Civilisations who are also not in a Golden Age.

Interestingly, Bakuhan offers four perks. Two only apply to the Rise and Fall & Gathering Storm DLCs: International Trade Routes receive -25% Yield and Tourism, but Domestic Trade Routes provide +1 Culture, +1 Science, and +2 Gold for every Specialty District at the Destination. The other is that cities within 6 tiles of Japan’s capital are 100 per cent loyal and after researching Flight receive +1 Tourism for every District.

For base game players, you’ll see International Trade Routes receive -25% Yield and Tourism, but Domestic Trade Routes provide +1 Culture, +1 Science, and +2 Gold for every Specialty District at the Destination. You’ll also notice that cities within 6 tiles of Japan’s capital receive +4 Amenities and after researching Flight receive +1 Tourism for every District.

Civilization 6: Leader Pass is a new season pass that adds 18 new playable leader selections to Civilization 6 and will be delivered via six DLC packs scheduled for release right up until March 2023.

If you’d like to know more about Civilization 6’s first pack of leaders on the pass – Abraham Lincoln, Queen Nzinga Mbande, and Sultan Saladin – developer Firaxis recently provided a more detailed breakdown of the characters available in the Great Negotiations Pack.
