Cities: Skylines 2 leaves out goofy stuff like pink vans with giant donuts on them, and I miss it

Cities: Skylines 2 leaves out goofy stuff like pink vans with giant donuts on them, and I miss it

Cities: Skylines 2 could be headed for a rocky launch. As I said in my review, there are a lot of performance issues in the city builder sequel, and other reviews I’ve read mention a similar experience. That’s disappointing, and the fact that Colossal Order is actually warning players of performance issues ahead of launch suggests that even a big honkin’ day one patch on October 24 won’t set everything right.

I’m hopeful it will all get sorted out, but since I assume the devs will mostly be focusing on optimization for the first few weeks (maybe even months) after launch, that means modders could point their talents in other directions. And aside from performance, there’s another major problem with Cities: Skylines 2: