Chucky is the next Dead By Daylight killer, and I can't stop laughing at a 2-foot-tall doll chasing teens

Chucky is the next Dead By Daylight killer, and I can’t stop laughing at a 2-foot-tall doll chasing teens

Even though competitive keep-away isn’t really my thing, it’s hard not to admire Dead By Daylight from a comfortable distance. The folks at Behaviour Interactive have cooked up over 30 playable killers over the years, some original to the game and many adapted from classic horror media, with distinct abilities and upsetting methods for slaying Survivors. Their latest killer is an unconventional new face: Charles Lee “Chucky” Ray is joining Dead By Daylight. 

If I had to guess one legendary horror figure that Dead By Daylight would decide to skip on grounds of practicality, it’s Chucky. He is, after all, a human soul trapped in the body of a 2-foot-tall doll. If you know anything about animation rigs in game development, it’s not exactly a Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V operation to drop a whole new body type into a multiplayer game.