Ahead of the Dragonlands World Championship, the TFT 12.20 Patch Notes reveal various changes to several traits and champions, including a Cavalier buff.
TFT 12.20 Patch Notes Trait Changes
Cavalier receives slights buffs across the board, while several other traits receive minor balance changes to ensure a stable meta ahead of Worlds. Guild receives nerfs throughout, while Ragewing gets attack speed and omnivamp buffs.
- Cavalier Armor and Magic Resistance: 30/45/60/75/110 changed to 35/50/65/85/110
- Dragonmancer Bonus Ability Power: 20/35/50/70 changed to 25/40/50/70
- Guild Attack Speed (Twitch): 13% changed to 11%
- Guild Omnivamp (Emblem): 4% changed to 3%
- Guild Multiplier: 100/110/120/130/140/150/165/180% changed to 100/110/120/130/140/150/160/175%
- Jade Statue Attack Speed: 10/30/55/88% changed to 10/22/55/88%
- Ragewing Attack speed: 50/100/150/250% changed to 50/100/150/275%
- Ragewing Omnivamp: 15/30/45/75% changed to 15/30/45/85%
- Assassin Critical Strike Chance: 20/40/75% ⇒ 20/50/75%
- Cannoneer Cannon Shot Attack Damage ratio: 150/250/450% ⇒ 150/275/450%
- Darkflight bonus Health: 500/750/1000/1800 ⇒ 500/750/1000/1600
- Guardian max Health percentage shield: 25/40/70/125% ⇒ 25/40/80/130%
TFT Patch 12.20 Notes Champion Changes
Rengar and Soy’fen end up on the nerf list, while Riot’s TFT team applies a slight buff to Vollibear. “Despite the name of his spell, Rengar, has been seen tearing up the Convergence. We had a smaller nerf planned for Rengar, but with our nerfs to Rengar’s biggest counter, Soy’fen, we’ve had to increase these nerfs preemptively. With no utility, Volibear is the type of champion where if he isn’t dealing damage or soaking it up, he just isn’t very useful. So we’re giving him some more Health via an earlier cast of his spell.” read the official blog post on Riot’s site.
- Senna Mana buff: 30/90 changed to 15/75
- Senna Last Embrace bonus magic damage: 300/450/600 changed to 300/450/650
- ZacUnstable Current percent max Health damage: 5/6/7% changed to 10/12/18%
- Nomsy Fireballs! Damage: 210/300/480 changed to 190/270/420
- Evoker Nomsy, Lulu Whimsy Attack Speed Buff: 30/40/60% changed to 40/50/70%
- Cannoneer Nomsy, Tristana Attack Speed: 0.7 changed to 0.75
- Cannoneer Nomsy, Nomsy bonus Attack Damage from being friends with
- Tristana: 30/45/70 changed to 35/50/80
- Rengar Mana nerf: 60/120 changed to 70/140
- Rengar Unseen Predator AD ratio: 255/265/275% changed to 240/245/275%
- Volibear Mana buff: 0/60 changed to 0/40
- Daeja Windblast Damage: 250/350/1600 changed to 250/335/1350
- Pantheon Aegis Assault Damage: 100/150/700 changed to 75/110/700
- Sohm Tideblossom detonation damage: 300/420/1500 changed to 285/400/1400
With rising popularity and win rates over the past week, Riot’s TFT team had to ship a number of large nerfs targeted at the Shi Oh Yu and Sy’fen comps. The most obvious is the Jade Statue Attack Speed nerf, which impacts both Shi Oh Yu and Sy’fen, in addition to Pantheon, who being AD, greatly benefit from it. Pantheon nerfs and removing one of the strongest Silver Augments (Jade Crest) intend to insert this comp into a much more balanced state within the existing meta.
- Shi Oh Yu Jade Form percent damage reduction: 20/25/50% changed to 20/25/40%
- Sy’fen max Mana nerf: 90/160 changed to 100/170
- Ao Shin Mana: 0/175 changed to 0/190
- Zoe Mana: 30/100 changed to 40/110
- Terra Health: 1200 changed to 1050
- Ezreal Mystic Shot damage: 200/275/375 changed to 200/275/415
- Karma Inner Flame Damage: 210/280/420 changed to 210/280/400
- Nasus Fury of the Dawn damage: 70/100/185 changed to 70/100/200
- Wukong Crushing Blow Attack Damage ratio: 185/200/230% >> 185/200/250%
- Lillia Watch Out! damage: 215/275/350 changed to 215/275/370
- Lillia Watch Out! center bonus damage: 190/240/320 changed to 190/240/340
- Lux Cosmic Flare first strike damage: 325/400/500 changed to 325/410/525
- Lux Cosmic Flare secondary strikes damage: 175/200/230 changed to 175/210/240
- Kai’Sa Tidal Burst missile damage: 40/60/85 changed to 40/60/90
- Nunu & Willump Consume damage: 350/500/800 changed to 350/500/925
- Rakan Disarming Diversion shield amount: 230/350/550 changed to 230/350/650
- Seraphine Serenade of the Seas on attack damage: 20/35/70 changed to 20/35/65
- Sylas Petricite Burst shield amount: 365/415/475 changed to 365/415/525
- Graves Quickdraw Attack Damage ratio: 65/65/170% changed to 65/65/145%
- Hecarim Onslaught of Shadows Damage: 150/250/1000 changed to 150/250/1200
- Jayce Mercurial Judgement base Heal: 150/210/375 changed to 150/210/550
- Jayce Mercurial Judgement secondary magic damage: 125/175/500 changed to 125/175/650Nilah Slipstream Damage: 130/200/1000 changed to 130/200/700
- Swain Dragon Master’s Decree Damage: 85/120/600 changed to 90/130/60
- Xayah Feathers FLY! recall damage per feather: 13/20/60 changed to 13/20/75
- Shyvana Dragon’s Descent damage: 80/150/500 changed to 80/150/1500
- Shyvana Dragon’s Descent stun duration: 1.25 changed to 1.25/1.25/10 seconds
- Terra Earthquake Armor & Magic Resistance damage ratio: 150/200/4000% changed to 150/200/2500%
- Zoe, Spell Thief, Kayle’s Intervention bonus Armor and Magic Resistance: 20/40/500 changed to 20/40/1000
- Zoe, Spell Thief,Janna’s Howling Gale Attack Speed Buff Duration: 5 changed to 5/5/30
TFT Patch 12.20 Augment Changes
Built Different and Double Trouble cause players to make tradeoffs to get more power from playing a certain way, but upon being stacked, they create too much power without adding additional tradeoffs. While the highroll of collecting all the BDs/DTs is appealing, it creates a situation where the Augments can’t be balanced appropriately as individual picks. TFT’S dev team sees the Augment selections as critical decision-making moments that are harmed when taking a repeat BD or DT will always be the best option.
- Beast’s Den (Shapeshifter) Attack and Movement Speed: 35% changed to 25%
- Built Different: You can no longer be offered multiple tiers of Built Different
Cutthroat Removed - Darkflight Crown now grants Titan’s Resolve instead of Protector’s Vow
- Double Trouble Bonus AD, AP, Armor, and MR: 22/33/44 changed to 20/30/40
- You can no longer be offered multiple tiers of Double Trouble
- Gadget Expert direct damage item bonus true damage 33% changed to 25%
- Jade Crest has been removed
- Mage Crown now grants Lux instead of Sylas
- Personal Training now grants Jax instead of Olaf
- Portable Forge, The Collector, Gold Chance: 50% changed to 40%
- Portable Forge, Infinity Force (All) Stats: 30 changed to 25
- Portable Forge, Zhonya’s Paradox Ability Power: 50 changed to 40
- Preparation NEW: Champions will now start at 1 stack
- Preparation Health per Stack: 30/45/60 changed to 25/35/50
- Preparation Attack Damage & Ability Power per Stack: 5/7/10 changed to 4/5/8
- Scoped Weapons II no longer grants 10% bonus Attack Speed
- Think Fast no longer offered on Stage 2-1
TFT Patch 12.20 Notes Item Changes
Our Zz’Rot Portal changes will make the item more intuitive and fix the feels-bad movement pathing for units that cannot easily get into the holder’s attack range (yet are still within 4 hexes).
Zz’Rot Portal no longer has a maximum taunt range of 4 hexes. It will now taunt all units that are in range to attack the holder.
Hyper Roll Mode changes
- Preparation (Augment) max stacks: 4 changed to 3
- Preparation Health per Stack: 40/60/80 changed to 35/50/70
- Preparation Attack Damage & Ability Power per Stack: 6/9/13 changed to 5/7/10
TFT Patch 12.20 Notes Bug Fixes
- Dodgings: Successfully fixed a typo in Jax’s tooltip
- Zyra should now be able to pick randomly between rows that are tied, rather than always choosing the farthest row or the nearest row in each fight
- Jayce no longer fails to gain his Ability’s resistances if his initial cast completely misses
- Shyvana no longer fails to cast with 2+ Attack Range. She can now cast as long as enemies are within her Flame Breath’s range (roughly 4 hexes)
- Reverted the Cannoneer bug fix from last patch that allowed the cannon shot to work properly with Celestial Blessing as this created issues with Whispers Cannoneers…yeah.
When will TFT Patch 12.20 release?
TFT Patch 12.20 is slated for a live release on Tuesday, October 18. Servers will go down for three hours before the patch goes live on servers across all regions. On mobile devices , the newest patch will also introduce Friend List Chat to allow TFT players to interact.
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