Castle Knatterfels: Curse of the Zombie Krauts was Wolfenstein with boobs and a terrible FPS

Castle Knatterfels: Curse of the Zombie Krauts was Wolfenstein with boobs and a terrible FPS


From 2010 to 2014 Richard Cobbett wrote Crapshoot, a column about rolling the dice to bring random obscure games back into the light. This week, Nazi zombies once again run amok in a spooky German castle full of mad necroscience… but it sure as hell ain’t Wolfenstein this time around.

Castle Knatterfels (Knatterfels being German for “Worst Shooter Ever”) is a game that really makes you think. “I think my clicking finger is falling off,” for instance. “I wonder what asbestos tastes like,” from time to time. Mostly though, “What were they thinking?” Aside from “Heh, boobies,” obviously.
