An industry insider is adding fuel to those speculative fires that Capcom’s strange timer is indeed counting down to the announcement of Street Fighter 6.
GamesBeat’s Jeff Grubb has once again beaten the publisher to the reveal, alleging in his Giant Bomb video show (via VGC) that multiple sources have intimated to them that a sixth instalment of the fan-favourite fighting game is on the way.
It certainly sounds plausible, not least because this just so happens to coincide with the season finale of Capcom’s Street Fighter Pro tour, which starts on February 17th.
ICYMI, the countdown will end tomorrow, on Monday 21st February at 6am UK time, or Sunday, 20th February at 10pm PT / 1am ET.
As Victoria said at the time, If the timer does indeed countdown to the announcement of Street Fighter 6, this will not be the first time the company has celebrated its fighting series’ milestones with a new game. In 2018 for Street Fighter’s 30th anniversary, the company released its anniversary collection which consisted of 12 main arcade versions of Street Fighter, Street Fighter 2, Street Fighter 3 and Street Fighter Alpha.
Of course, with no official word from Capcom just yet, all this is merely speculation at this point. So if Street Fighter 6 is revealed on Monday, try to look surprised.