Cancelled Doom 4 gameplay shared as part of 'game preservation mission'

Cancelled Doom 4 gameplay shared as part of ‘game preservation mission’


Back in the days when Bethesda was still hyping up Rage’s megatextures, id was working behind the scenes on a version of Doom 4 that looked a whole lot different than the successful reboot (opens in new tab) we eventually got in 2016. This Doom 4 took place on earth, prominently starred characters other than the recognizable Doom Slayer, and had the feel of a modern Call of Duty game. It was eventually canned in 2013 for, among many things, being too “Call of Doom” (opens in new tab).

For years, the most we’d seen of that iteration of Doom was a leaked CG trailer (opens in new tab) establishing its war-torn look, until gameplay from the cancelled Doom 4 project appeared in Noclip’s 2016 Doom documentary (opens in new tab): a brief corridor crawl and melee brawl featuring a shotgun, human-like demon hybrids, and melee combat.
