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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 still without various maps due to spawn issues

The newly-launched Modern Warfare 3 still lacks a number of multiplayer maps this week, after developer Activision was forced to pull them from rotation soon after the game launched.

Quarry, Rundown and Scrapyard were removed from the game’s Hardpoint playlists last Thursday, 9th November, after players complained. In a post on its bug-tracking social media account, Activision acknowledged “an issue causing unfavourable spawns”.

Karachi was next to go last Friday, 10th November – binned from Modern Warfare 3’s Cutthroat playlist while Activision, it said, worked to “resolve an issue causing a player to spawn alongside enemies”.

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Further updates over the weekend noted that Activision had a fix coming to significantly reduce the delay to tactical sprinting that is currently occuring after sliding.

And finally, Activision noted yesterday that it had temporarily disabled pinging in Search and Destroy matches, as it was being used as an exploit.

We’re still playing the game’s multiplayer modes and testing them on live servers before delivering our final verdict on the overall package.

However, you can read our thoughts on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’s campaign in our review of that right now. Our Chris Tapsell was not impressed, and dubbed it “vapid and hastily assembled”.

This morning, figures showed that UK boxed sales for Modern Warfare 3 were down by 25 percent on last year’s Modern Warfare 2.