Different kinds of engrams.

Bungie is finally dealing with one of the most annoying things about Destiny 2


Look at that disgusting blue engram, trying to hide behind it’s more popular exotic and legendary friends. It’s probably got another Allegro-34 hand cannon in it. Have some shame! (Image credit: Bungie)

It’s been a gala week for Bungie announcing major quality-of-life improvements coming to Destiny 2. Only yesterday we got a massive breakdown of the overhaul to buildcrafting that is arriving with the Lightfall expansion on February 28, and today we learn that one of the biggest annoyances in the game is being dealt with: Blue Engrams.

These are rare quality loot drops which, in practice, are anything but rare. In fact, once you’ve hit the soft power cap for a season, the blues provide no effective purpose and simply serve to clog up your character’s inventory and postbox as they rain down like it’s monsoon season for underpowered shotguns. 

