Broken Roads gets last minute delay, even though reviews had begun

Broken Roads gets last minute delay, even though reviews had begun

Broken Roads, the upcoming narrative-driven cRPG from developer Drop Bear Bytes, has been delayed.

The game was set to release in just a few days time, on 14th November. However, the developer has now announced it has delayed the game at the last minute to “allow for additional polish time”. More work is needed to make sure Broken Roads isn’t broken on release, essentially, with the help of more QA testing.

Here’s a trailer for Broken Roads.

In a post on Steam, the Broken Roads team stated the game was “content complete” but “coming in longer” than originally expected. The developer said its roughly 30 hours of gameplay and vast dialogue had made it “extremely time-consuming to properly test” all of the game’s content.

As such, the studio – along with publisher Versus Evil – decided that the game should be delayed. It will now release on an unspecified date in “early” 2024.

“We’d like to thank the community for your continued support and patience with us. We are committed to delivering a game that will exceed the [community’s] expectations, and we believe this move will help us do just that,” Drop Bear Bytes closed.

Message from the Broken Roads team explaining its last minute delay

Image credit: Drop Bear Bytes

While this is not even the first game to be delayed today (Star Wars Hunters also saw its launch shifted into next year just this morning), it is unusual to see a release date pushed back so close to the wire.

In fact, Broken Roads was currently in the process of being reviewed by critics.

Broken Roads was initially set to release in 2022. When it was announced two years ago, Matt commented it looked like an Australian Fallout, and I have to agree. Hopefully the extra time will ensure a smooth launch next year.

We will update you when we hear more about Broken Roads’ new release date.