Diablo 4 season 3 screenshot of Rogue and Seneschal construct companion

Blizzard ‘learned a lot of lessons’ from having to emergency fix Diablo 4 season 3’s vault dungeons, but says they’d need more work before bringing them back permanently

In January, Blizzard had to drop a late-night emergency patch to turn Diablo 4 season 3 around. Within a day of launch, players decided the robot spider companion was useless and that dodging traps in the new vault dungeons wasn’t worth the headache. Blizzard quickly boosted the strength of the pet and streamlined vaults, making them so abundant with loot that now players are sad they’ll be leaving when season 4 launches on May 14.

Blizzard has repeatedly said it wants to be very careful with how it brings seasonal features back so it won’t clutter up the non-seasonal mode of the game. We’ve seen a few item-based features return, like season 1’s malignant heart powers and season 2’s vampiric powers, but seasonal dungeon types or events haven’t reappeared.
