Diablo 4 cinematic screenshot

Blizzard is afraid of spoiling Diablo 4 seasons with regular PTRs, but says the success of season 4’s ‘does point in the direction of something we’d want to continue to do’

By all accounts, including my own, Diablo 4’s season 4 PTR, or public test realm, was a big success: an exciting, week-long peek into all the massive changes coming to the game next month. Blizzard seems to think so too: Diablo 4 boss Rod Fergusson told IGN that the PTR had a high enough turnout that the team will consider hosting early playtests for future seasons, too.

Fergusson said PTRs are “an ongoing conversation” and that “the success of the PTR for season 4 does point in the direction of something we’d want to continue to do.” However, he said that “no one should take that as gospel that we’re going to be doing PTRs for every season.”
