Hearthstone Signature card art

Blizzard disables Standard Hearthstone packs because they were dishing out new Signature cards like candy


Blizzard has temporarily disabled the opening of Hearthstone Standard and class packs while it investigates a “potential issue” with them. The nature of the issue hasn’t been specified, but from the looks of social media it seems very much like the new, and supposedly ultra-rare Signature cards that went live today could be at the root of the problem.

It’s not the cards themselves that are the issue, actually, but the fact that they seem to be appearing far more often than they should. Signature cards can be had through Standard, Class, and March of the Lich King card packs—March of the Lich King (opens in new tab) being the new expansion that went live today—but they’re meant to be exceedingly rare, with a drop rate from Standard and Class packs equal to that of Golden Legendary cards. According to Hearthstone Top Decks (opens in new tab), that means players will see, on average, one Signature card appear for every 181 packs opened.

But for some players, that’s not how it worked out. Instead, they got this:

(Image credit: Blizzard (via Twitter))

Note that the Signature cards are the monochromatic ones with the fancy themes. (The idea is that they’re themed around each expansion, so in this case an icy hue—although that hasn’t stopped the community complaining that they actually look more boring than normal legendaries, but we digress.) Anyway, either this player got luckier than god, or… Oh no, here comes more:

(Image credit: Blizzard (via Twitter))

And more:

(Image credit: Blizzard (via Twitter))

And more:

