The Blade Runner adventure game.

Blade Runner 1997 is still the cyberpunk experience to beat


Ridley Scott has never worked on a videogame, but he’s directed hundreds of them by proxy. Blade Runner and Alien have provided coordinates for development teams to steer towards for decades, defining the look, feel, and sound of interactive sci-fi as we know it today. Without them, there would be no Mass Effect, no Homeworld, and certainly no Cyberpunk.

Yet this process is not lossless. Every time Blade Runner is copied, some of the original’s idiosyncrasies fade, and what was once a sharp and precise vision of the future inevitably becomes smudged and fuzzy. The neon signs and verticality of a disintegrating Los Angeles are usually there—alongside a vague meditation on what it means to be human, and whether it can be mimicked. But wouldn’t you rather return to the source, just once? Play the real thing, and not a replicant?
