
Best gaming news sources for 2022


With the gaming industry booming and evolving, even more so during the pandemic, it is difficult to keep up with game releases and reviews.

There are over thousands of games released each year, therefore it is extremely crucial in knowing which game is worth the time.

The best solution would be visiting go-to places for video game news and reviews sites to keep up with the latest happenings in the gaming world.

Here is a compilation of best gaming news sites out there:

SendStory is one of the simplest news apps out there, available on both iOS and Android on Google Play as well as Huawei App Gallery.

The app mainly curates news from all over the world into one single place, and automatically recommends stories to users depending on the location of the user.

SendStory’s main strength is that there is no registration or sign up required; users will be able to view news instantly after downloading.

Kotaku is a well-known video game website and blog which also features trending pop culture news.

Despite embroiling itself in controversies, Kotaku remains a familiar place for gamers and anime fanatics.

Destructoid was initially launched as a video game-focused blog in 2006.

Now, it is a one-stop gaming site with a bit of everything such as articles containing gaming news, reviews and even opinion pieces are featured here.

MEGPlay is not just a gaming news platform, but it also features gaming tips / strategies and also up-to-date gaming events.

Moreover, MEGPlay is a hub for esports and gaming communities mainly focused in Southeast Asia.

Reddit, best known for its recent viral r/wallstreetbets, is no longer a stranger to most casual internet users.

r/Games, with over 3 million subscribers, is a place for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions.

Redditors here, usually discuss the latest industry news and gaming topics with in-depth insights.

GameSpot is a popular video gaming website that dates back to 1996 providing news, reviews, previews, downloads, and other information on video games.

The site even features the latest game and tech deals.

Nowadays, video is the preferred content and YouTube remains the first place anyone can think of.

If watching a gameplay is a preference instead of reading about it, this is one of the better options.

According to a report, 73% of YouTube gamers enjoy watching others play games on YouTube.

Thus, the chances of finding someone interested in the same game there is pretty high.
