AutoFull M6 gaming chair

AutoFull’s combo of gaming chairs and standing desks should have your attention

It’s easy to forget yourself when gaming, but the fact is that sitting for hours and hours in a tense position can be as taxing on your back as late-night sessions are on your ever-drying eyes. While eye-drops can provide relief for the latter issue, the matter of posture and seating is best resolved by a high-end gaming chair, which is where gaming accessory designer AutoFull comes in.

AutoFull has for years been the chair of choice at gaming tournaments such as LPL and KPL, and has seated legendary eSports teams including Rogue, RNG, LGD, DRG, 4AM, and Wolf. There’s good reason these guys have been voted as the most prestigious esports chair brand among players for years on end, and this line-up of their latest products goes a long way in showing why.


AutoFull M6 gaming chair

(Image credit: AutoFull)

Price: $599.99