
Assassin’s Creed Shadows Map Size Detailed by Ubisoft

Ubisoft is on track to release its upcoming title ‘Assassin’s Creed Shadows’ later in November this year. We already know that Assassin’s Creed Shadows will be set in 16th-century Japan. The action-packed trailer containing realistic visuals of feudal Japan released by Ubisoft has left a lot of fans speculating on the actual size of the map.

In a recent interview with IGN, Creative Director Jonathan Dumont revealed a few details about the map size. Dumont said they wanted to keep the scale ratio “much closer to real life” however few factors limited them from doing so.


He went on to clarify that they wanted the “mountains to feel like mountains” so that they do not feel out of place and get integrated into the environments which were made to feel wider. As per Dumont, the biggest limiting factor was the castles, which “took a lot of space”. Dumont also suggested that the map scale and size will be similar to another game in the franchise ‘Assassin’s Creed Origins’


In the same interview, Game Director Charles Benoit went on to explain that they have made sure to highlight the importance of every province shown in the game. Benoit referred to ‘Omi Province’ as a “bread basket” depicting “field(s), agriculture, open sky” and “Harima Province” to be a “war field,” hinting at a more intense and conflict-ridden environment.

This suggests that Ubisoft has made sure to make the entire map as authentic as possible. Their desire to make a real-life scale ratio map for Assassin’s Creed Shadows was certainly met with some limitations, which means we are unlikely to see reduced scale Japan. We are likely to see accurately scaled parts of 16th-century Japan. I can certainly say that Assassin’s Creed Shadows will offer an authentic and action-packed open world for players to explore and conquer.