Arrange your items to optimize your fights in asynchronous autobattler Backpack Battles

Arrange your items to optimize your fights in asynchronous autobattler Backpack Battles

The autobattling head-to-head RPG where you play inventory tetris to build your character, Bakcpack Battles, released its Early Access build this week. Each round you go up against a build made by another player before hitting up the shop to grab a new stuff with the gold you’ve won. It’s like PvP but without the stress of a real-time game—the person you’re “playing against” made that build hours ago, maybe.

Backpack Battles first got my attention last fall when its multiplayer demo got something like 7,000 concurrent players one weekend. It’s topping those numbers this weekend with a peak of nearly 20,000 concurrent players—19,775 to be exact.