And now, an adventure game about, uh, getting a divorce

And now, an adventure game about, uh, getting a divorce


I’ve gotten married in a few games over the years—The Sims 4, Skyrim, My Time at Portia, stuff like that—but I don’t have a lot of experience with virtual divorce. That’ll change next month when I play adventure game My Divorce Story, which is being developed by a South Korean divorce lawyer and is based on actual divorce cases.

The adventure (it feels a bit weird to call it that) kicks off when you receive an anonymous message that your spouse is cheating. “Within six months of discovering the affair, you must gather enough evidence and bring it before the court,” says the game’s Steam store page (opens in new tab). “In this nightmare of a life, you must maintain a healthy relationship with your spouse. But behind your spouse’s back, you’re gathering evidence for a successful divorce.”
