An indie parkour game is blowing up among sport fans and genre enthusiasts

An indie parkour game is blowing up among sport fans and genre enthusiasts

A recent Steam release from a solo indie developer has really taken off, racking up nearly a thousand overwhelmingly positive reviews since it released into early access on May 21. Rooftops & Alleys: The Parkour Game is a sport game focused entirely on the experience of parkour and freerunning—which is to say it’s not also a shooter or a game about stabby people in hoods.

Rooftops & Alleys combines the discipline of parkour, letting you hop around and explore to try tricks and chase challenging tricks, with the more competitive practice of freerunning, serving up medal-scored time trials and trick challenges to chase on its maps. It’s also a proper multi-button game, requiring you to use controls to leap, land, sprint, mantle, and vault. Per the developer there’s “no ‘hold button to parkour’ mentality” at work.