An evil, Dark Urge playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3

An evil, Dark Urge playthrough of Baldur’s Gate 3

Today is bitter-sweet because I need to let you know Emma has decided to move on from writing her monthly column, Emma’s Adventures. She’s had fun with them, she says, and appreciates all your kind remarks, but she wants to use the significant time they take to write to focus on a new direction in her life. So let’s wish her well for the future – we were lucky to have her while we did.

The sweet part of this is I now get to realise something I’ve been keeping in the dark for far too long: my, um, dark side. Ever since I killed all of my Dragon Age: Origins companions, I’ve been fascinated by evil playthroughs in games, and now, with Emma moving on, I have some time and space to explore them – with you.

You may remember I experimented with the beginnings of an evil Dragon Age: Inquisition playthrough earlier this year. I always wondered how far the game would let me go and so I decided to try it. That adventure will continue, by the way, especially as we close in on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, but before I go back to it, there’s another adventure I want to take you on. A more recent adventure – one everyone’s been talking about. I would like to get evil in Baldur’s Gate 3.