AMD Radeon RX 6000 GPU prices are set to rise even further

AMD Radeon RX 6000 GPU prices are set to rise even further


The pricing of current generation graphics cards has become a meme at this point. Ongoing supply chain issues show no signs of easing. Combine this with elevated demand and here we are. Sadly, it seems things could be about to get worse, at least if you’re in the market for an AMD card. Reports coming from the Board Channels Forum (registration required) via Videocardz state that AMD is increasing the prices of its GPUs by 10%. Wonderful. Not. 

The report claims that pricing is set to increase by $20 to $40 depending on the chip in question. That mightn’t seem like a lot when even RX 6600 cards are selling for upwards of $500, but the chain starts with AMD. A 10% rise in GPU prices gets passed onto the card manufacturers, who pass it onto distributors, who pass it onto retailers who then pass onto us poor gamers. Somewhere along the way, someone is likely to decide that they can charge 15% more instead of 10% and eventually these costs will be borne by the consumer. When will it end? Will an RX 6400 sell for $500? It’s no wonder the consoles are out of stock everywhere. At least they’re affordable.
