Already-massive Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous adds new class, quests, companion

Already-massive Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous adds new class, quests, companion


Owlcat has revealed a trailer and release date for the first installment of its second season of DLC add-ons for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. The Last Sarkorians (opens in new tab) adds a new class, Shifter, as well as a Shifter companion and his associated questlines.

Shifters are all about, well, shapeshifting, with roots in the prestige class of the same name from Dungeons & Dragons third edition and mechanics that build off the Druid “wild shape” abilities. According to RPG YouTuber Mortismal (opens in new tab), Shifter was a bit of a dud in tabletop Pathfinder, but we’re probably going to see some mechanical tweaks for Owlcat’s interpretation⁠—it wouldn’t be the first time they’ve fudged tabletop accuracy in favor of CRPG fun.
