Alpha7 Esports staff accused of providing drugs to enhance performance » TalkEsport

Alpha7 Esports staff accused of providing drugs to enhance performance » TalkEsport


Alpha7 Esports, one of the biggest Brazilian esports organizations has come under the radar for the use of illegal substances amongst their player. Senatexa, the former esports player of the team accused the Alpha7 esports staff of providing drugs (Venvanse) during the PUBG Mobile official tournament. Venvanse is a chemical substance used to improve the attention span and behavior of an individual.

The accusation came after Senatexa left the team on 21st February 2022. The CEO of Rise Esports also posted about this incident on its Instagram page. He wrote, “What actually exists is overwhelming evidence of controlled drug use and, by Sports and Sports law, cannot be used. By all indications, Alpha7 was making use of this, according to testimony and evidence. What is not according to other teams participating. It’s all about justice and Tencent which has all the evidence and testimonies. LET ME BE CLEAR HERE. I am not a judge to judge anyone, nor am I an accuser.”

“However, I am aware of the facts described. I express my dissatisfaction with Alpha7 remaining in the championships until proven otherwise. And beWARE: DO NOT USE ANY MEDICATION without a prescription. It brings more harm than good. VENVANSE, the drug which the author’s party reveals, cannot be used indiscriminately. Nor, according to the rules of various anti-doping bodies in the world, do not allow use even under prescription.It does more harm than good”

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Many more team owners and players have contacted Tencent Games to investigate the matter while several well-known players have changed their Instagram profile to anti-doping to oppose such kind of action by organizations.

With Tencent looking in the matter of using drugs by players is a big controversy in the PUBG Mobile esports. Using such types of drugs to enhance players’ performance is not acceptable in any field.

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