Alpha test for Creative Assembly's new PvPvE shooter is live now

Alpha test for Creative Assembly’s new PvPvE shooter is live now


Hyenas is a zero-G PvPvE shooter first teased way back in 2018, and officially unveiled (opens in new tab) this year. We had some reservations when we took a closer look (opens in new tab) at it in September, finding some interesting concepts but also a lot of, well, cringe: News writer Mollie Taylor said she couldn’t tell “if this is a game that’s trying too hard or not trying hard enough,” and worried that Hyenas would be able to find a niche for itself in a genre that’s already crowded.

This weekend—I mean, right now—you can form your own thoughts on that point, at least as far as a pre-release build will let you. Creative Assembly is holding an alpha test that’s live now and scheduled to run until 4 am ET on December 4. Hyenas has already held one alpha test, and the studio said that this one will include a number of improvements since then, including tweaks to the end-of-match flow, improved UI and HUD, and controller updates.
