Aliens might be using rogue planets as spaceships

Aliens might be using rogue planets as spaceships


According to a study published in the International Journal of Astrobiology (opens in new tab), aliens could use rogue planets—wandering worlds that have either been knocked from the system they originated in like a snooker ball by some gravitational event, or were formed externally—as alternatives to spacecraft. 

The study comes from a professor of physics and astronomy at Houston Community College named Irina Romanovskaya, who told Motherboard (opens in new tab) that, since rogue planets are hard to detect in the interstellar dark between systems, there may be a substantial number of them out there. “This increases the chance that some advanced extraterrestrial civilizations, if they exist, might hitch a ride on free-floating planets,” Romanovskaya said. “Which is why I call such hypothetical civilizations Cosmic Hitchhikers.”
