Alan Wake 2 how to enter Caldera St Station - Alan is shining a torch into the station entrance

Alan Wake 2: How to enter Caldera St. Station

If you’re trying to figure out how to enter Caldera St. Station in Alan Wake 2, you’re not alone. Locating the station isn’t an issue as you’ll find a map pretty quickly once you get out of the Talk Show Studio and onto the streets. What is an issue though is knowing how to get inside. 

You can use the Angel Lamp to reveal the entrance and head down into the depths, but once you get down there, there’s nowhere to go: you need to find a second light source to move forward. The area around the station is pretty vast and it’s hard to know where to start looking. With that in mind, here’s how to get into Caldera St. Station in Alan Wake 2.

How to get a second light charge 

Use your Angel Lamp to the right of the station to find the safe room. (Image credit: Remedy)

If you’ve done a little exploring, you’ve likely stumbled on the save room close by. If you haven’t, here’s how to get to it: 

  • Use your Angel Lamp to the right of the main station, near the bridge. You’ll get a prompt when you’re close.
  • Go up the newly revealed steps and cross the tracks to find a ladder leading up on the other side.
  • Head through the door with the lamp above it.
  • Go down the steps and through another door and you’ll find the save room on your left.