Alan Wake 2 charms - Saga shines a torch onto a picnic table with a little red charm box sat on it

Alan Wake 2 charms list and how they work

Looking for charms in Alan Wake 2? These little ornaments offer bonuses to help you survive your time in Bright Falls and the surrounding areas. You won’t find them just lying around though: you need to complete Nursery Rhyme puzzles which reward you with a charm if you manage to solve their riddle. 

The bonuses you get from the charms aren’t overly powerful but they can help you out in certain situations. You can switch them in and out easily, too, so you don’t need to trek back to a safe room or upgrade station to change the ones you have equipped. With that in mind, here are the Alan Wake 2 charms I’ve found so far.

Alan Wake 2 charms list 

(Image credit: Remedy)

You have three charm slots in your inventory so you can have multiple charm bonuses running at the same time. Aside from the Coffee Mug charm, of which you can find multiple, each charm is unique. You can switch them out from your inventory at any time, though just be aware that the game doesn’t pause while you do this, so it’s best to make sure you’re out of immediate danger before looking in your bags.