Tazamanian Devil

After nine months of silence, the Multiversus Twitter account has come back to life with an ominous message: ‘It’s real’

Believe it or not, Warner’s Smash Bros-style fighting game Multiversus may be on the verge of a comeback. More than eight months after it was taken offline to “prepare for full launch,” the official Multiversus Twitter account has started making a little noise.

Multiversus has charted a strange course since its official reveal in 2021. It launched into open beta in July 2022 and despite some early server issues (because of course there were server issues) it was an immediate hit. Things moved quickly from there: Millions of people jumped into it, new characters were added, two entire seasons rolled out, we declared it “one of the year’s best surprises” at the end of 2022—and then in June 2023, Warner pulled the plug on the whole damn thing. 
