Activision Blizzard shareholders vote in favor of harassment report, despite board's objections

Activision Blizzard shareholders vote in favor of harassment report, despite board’s objections


In May, Activision Blizzard’s board of directors urged shareholders to vote against a proposed report (opens in new tab) on the company’s efforts to combat abuse, harassment, and discrimination in the workplace. The board argued that having to prepare “yet another report” would divert resources that could be more effectively used elsewhere, and furthermore “would create a set of metrics that are simply not the best measures of how the Company is responding to employee concerns.” At today’s annual meeting, however, shareholders rejected that argument, and voted decisively in favor of the creation of the report.

Roughly 67% of the voting shares cast their ballot in favor of the report, Activision said in a statement. But that doesn’t necessarily mean the report will happen: The vote is non-binding, meaning that it’s more of an advisory thing than an obligation. The board of directors, of course, said it will think about it.
