Acclaimed indie studio Vlambeer springs back to life 4 years after declaring 'the end of Vlambeer'

Acclaimed indie studio Vlambeer springs back to life 4 years after declaring ‘the end of Vlambeer’

Few things seemed like more of a closed book to me than Vlambeer, the developer of Luftrausers, Nuclear Throne, and Ridiculous Fishing. A studio made up of Jan Nijman and Rami Ismail, Vlambeer shut its doors in September 2020 after 10 years in business, and announced “the end of Vlambeer” in a short, straightforward Twitter post. It was time for both its members to move onto new things.

Or not. Because in another post on Twitter yesterday, Nijman put out a “videogame company acquisition announcement” revealing that he now owns “100% of Vlambeer.” In a tweet around the same time, Ismail announced that he had “sold my 50% of my old games studio Vlambeer to co-founder [Nijman].” Vlambeer, it seems, is back from the dead, albeit without Ismail’s involvement.