Battlefield 2042 season 6

A Halo co-creator who was working on the next Battlefield has seemingly left the franchise and EA

As reported by Insider Gaming and first spotted by Battlefield YouTuber DannyonPC, FPS veteran and Halo co-creator Marcus Lehto appears to have left his director position at Ridgeline Games, an EA subsidiary, where he was working on the next Battlefield game.

As art director on the first three Halo games, Lehto had a massive impact on the sci-fi series’ iconic look. Lehto was then creative director on the latter Halo games made by Bungie and part of the original Destiny team before departing the company. Lehto founded studio V1 in 2014, which struggled to find an audience for its experimental hoverbike FPS-RTS, Disintegration, before shutting down in 2021.