In the bustling world of Manor Lords, sustenance reigns supreme. Among the myriad ways to feed your populace, honey stands out as a perennial favorite. Here’s how to delve into the sweet world of Apiaries.
To embark on your beekeeping journey, navigate to the Development branch known as Beekeeping within Manor Lords. Invest in a Development Point to unlock this branch, ensuring a stable supply of honey for your settlement.
Constructing the Apiary
Once Beekeeping is unlocked, head to the Construction menu and locate the Apiary building. With two Planks and a vision for a buzzing future, construct your Apiary to commence honey production.

Harnessing Nature’s Bounty
Assign a diligent family to tend to your Apiary, kickstarting the honey-making process. As they nurture the bees and harvest the golden nectar, your food reserves flourish, sustaining a thriving community.
Maximizing Honey Yield
Expand your honey empire by constructing up to two Apiaries within your region. However, note that exceeding this limit won’t amplify your honey yield. For advanced beekeeping enthusiasts, consider unlocking the Advanced Beekeeping branch for enhanced production capabilities.
In conclusion, mastering the art of Apiaries in Manor Lords unlocks a sustainable food source, essential for nurturing a prosperous domain. Happy bees mean happy settlers, ensuring your realm thrives with the sweetness of success.
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