Sargeras, the Dark Titan, stabs his blade into Azeroth in World of Warcraft: Legion.

A fresh easter egg in WoW teases The War Within, double-confirms that yes: the big sword stuck in the planet is still important

The War Within arrives this year—promising to finally address Battle for Azeroth’s biggest dangling plot thread: the giant bloody sword that’s sticking out of the planet. We know this because of some subtle hints from the expansion’s cinematic trailer, like when the camera pans to the giant bloody sword. The one that’s sticking out of the planet.

In case you’re out of the loop, the sword was put there by Sargeras the Dark Titan, leader of the Burning Legion, when he was finally slain in the Legion expansion. This caused Azeroth to bleed a material called Azerite—kicking off the events of Battle for Azeroth and yet another unpopular borrowed power system (giving players new toys only to yoink them away at the end of the expansion).