9 things every Lost Ark player should know

9 things every Lost Ark player should know


This Lost Ark guide will fill you in on things it doesn’t tell you up front, or that you might not notice in its blizzard of pop-ups. This MMO has arrived here after over two years of evolution in Korea, meaning a lot of things Korean players were introduced to slowly are present right from the start. That’s why Lost Ark can feel like an explosion at the submenu factory, full of endless new systems and references to endgame stuff you’ll only see at level 50.

One significant change the Korean version made, and which the western release inherits, is the scrapping of class prologues. These solo introductions originally walked players up to level 10 before they were allowed to select an advanced class and join other players in Prideholme, but these bespoke tutorials are now replaced by the current, shorter prologue shared by every class. 

