Echoes of the Plum Grove - villagers mingle at an autumn market in the town square

5 beginner’s tips for Echoes of the Plum Grove to help you survive your first season in Honeywood

Although it looks just as cute as other farm sims, you’re going to need some beginner’s tips for Echoes of the Plum Grove if you want to live through your first season in Honeywood. In this historically inspired farm sim you’ll focus on the typical routine of foraging, cooking, and crafting while also befriending the townsfolk. But you’ll also have a lot of survival elements such as aging, disease, and the threat of starvation, which introduces a bit more challenge than your typical farming sim. 

Getting set up can be a little overwhelming since there is so much to think about and take into account from the get-go. Once you’ve got a grip of the basics you’ll hopefully feel a little more at ease, and to make the process even easier we’ve pulled together a few tips and tricks to alleviate some of the stress of getting started.  

Don’t let your food spoil in storage 

(Image credit: Unwound Games)

Echoes of the Plum Grove bombards you with hordes of edible items like animal products, veggies, and fish. But unlike a lot of other farming sims that let you hoard until your heart’s content, each food item has an expiry date. When you hover over an item in your inventory a number of “days until rot” will appear, and you’ll need to consume your perishables before this number drops to 0. If you forget about them, which is pretty easy to do if you’re chucking items into storage to clear space in your pockets, they will turn into an inedible mush called “rot.”