Two people in a vault at a desk smiling as they look at something

18 times the Fallout show was exactly like a videogame

When I started watching the Fallout show, I worried that the parade of direct references to the Fallout games might make it feel like a very long “what if videogames were real life? (crazy!!!)” skit on YouTube. It didn’t end up feeling that way, mainly because the storytelling is good enough that the videogame references aren’t its raison d’être. On further reflection, though, I also decided that those YouTube skits can be pretty funny when they’re done well, so why not go all-in on gags if you’re making a show based on a series known for goofy videogame conventions?

I’m so used to videogame logic, some of the Fallout show’s gags didn’t even register to me as gags until they were pointed out, so we put our heads together to identify the most videogamey moments from across the show’s eight episodes. I’ve listed what we came up with below.